I lead companies, write stories, and make art.
It might sound complicated. It isn't.
I believe that when we are multi-dimensional we lead more fulfilling lives. And, that the world needs more people who feel fulfilled.
I choose to lead by example.
Plus, the research shows that cultivated multidimensionality creates hybrid professionals who outperform other workers in innovation and creativity.
I encourage you to give your multi-dimensional interests a try and bring that integrated worldview to the office. The world needs more hybrids too.

I'm a successful writer who has appeared in The New Yorker, McSweeney's, Elle, Salon, The Boston Globe and have a novel out on submission. Recent Moth Storyslam winner.
(Lit Agent: Maria Bell/Sterling Lord Literistic)
I'm a successful artist whose public art project, the Floral Heart Project, has won numerous public art awards. But, I'm still a novice oil painter.
Co-creator of an award-winning television pilot, Penny Starts a Cult, and the forthcoming pilot Books staring Spencer Grammer and Ajay Naidu. Follow the Books journey here.
Created, Influence, an award-winning narrative fiction podcast series for Meet Cute available here.
I've worked for some of the biggest brands in the world (Microsoft, National Geographic, 1-800-Flowers, Philips) and been a confidant to top CEOs.
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Live at a Moth Storyslam in NYC (Dec 2024)